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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Heart of glass

I wish my bike computer was a gerbil, that way I could tell the nice people at Polar what it could be better used for.
I bought it about a year and a half ago and have had trouble with the heart rate monitor from soon after I bought it.
A reading if 220 within seconds of getting on the bike to zero when I would be flogging myself up a hill, then getting stuck on the same rate no matter how hard or easy I was riding.
The problem is in the strap which you wrap around your chest. Polar have even acknowledged this by re designing it, I am up to my third one.
The computer itself works fine, apart from the fact that you need to be Steve Austin to read the function titles, but when the veins are popping out of your forehead it's nice to know what heart rate you had to pull to cause the freak show.
Now here's the hard part, on the two occasions that I had to contact Polar's service department they have been extremely helpful and sympathetic and agreed to replace it immediately. You just can't stay angry when a nice young bloke gets on the phone and says "yep, no problem sir, we will send a new strap today and good luck with your training" boy, could the people at Vic roads learn a thing or two from these guys.
And now for something completely different...As I'm still on holidays I got out for a quiet ride at lunchtime today, I was intent on just going for an easy one and headed out from home toward Lancefield. The sky was heavy and I knew it would rain but it was warm and the rain was actually the draw card for me to head out for a spin. It started raining within minutes of me getting on the bike and rained for most of the ride. When I was a kid I loved riding my bike and playing in the rain, today I got to do both at the same time.
It was not just a shower but a full on downpour and I was soaked through in seconds, magic.
I know it's a cruel irony when you consider what's happening in QLD and Northern NSW, please don't take it as me being insensitive.

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